Learn about massage therapy and why it could help you.
What is Massage Therapy?
People have different reasons and ideas about what a massage therapy session involves and whether the treatment is suitable or beneficial to their needs.
Massage therapy sessions all have some basic elements in common. The practice involves you, the client and the therapist in a one-to-one situation where treatment is applied to your body, the treatment, depending on the style of massage involves the therapist using different movements and pressures on the soft tissues including muscle, tendons, ligaments, connective tissues and skin.
All sessions are carried out in a safe, clean and relaxed environment based on your chosen treatment.
The First visit starts with an initial consultation, this ensures you are fully informed of the proceeding session and that the therapist and yourself aim to get what is best suited for an optimum result.
Some clients enjoy a massage session to just simply relax and wind down, others visit more frequently to ease muscle groups, for instance in their shoulders/back from repetitive movements within their day-to-day life style.
Some may visit because they find that a massage, especially around the shoulders, neck and head helps with their mental well being.
There are one or two questions you may think to yourself before arriving for a therapy session including: "Do I have to talk and chat?", the answer is obviously no, some clients enjoy a small chat as they settle in and then close down as they relax and enjoy the therapy, on the other hand some like to talk, as they feel comfortable to chat, while some get on the couch, relax and immediately prefer to stay silent and absorb into the therapy session.
The times the therapist will talk is to check you are okay, and to offer instruction and direction as they move along the body from area to area.
Also, some people like to state that there are areas they do not like to be touched, (Often their feet), but all massage techniques often are firm but not painful connections with the clients skin surface so even such as the soles of the feet can be bearable to be massaged, but all these points are discussed before a therapy session continues.
Of course, if there is further information you want to find out or enquire about, you can email or message and a response will be send as soon as possible.